Note that one of my main focuses is on bandwidth usage. We use a fair amount of bandwidth, and anything we can do to optimize this is a good thing. Also it usually means a speed up for users which is extremely important.
We have two connections, which are set to keep-alive. One is for sending from browser to server, the other one is for server to browser.
The server->browser one is opened by the browser, doing an XHR POST, and held open by the server until data is ready, or until a timeout. Then a new request is again sent from the browser. This means that as soon as data is ready, it's delivered to the browser.
There are a couple of downsides to the above method.
1. Keep-alive isn't failsafe. Sometimes browsers/proxies/etc ignore you, or for other reasons decide to open new connections. Creating a new tcp/ip connection is expensive, and may mean that lag is introduced. For the vast majority of cases though, no new TCP/IP connections are created, and you just have your 2 connections to the mibbit server to handle all communications.
2. Every HTTP request sent from the browser includes headers, wether you want them or not. These are not small headers. expect 2k+ per request. You can remove *some* of these headers (See previous post), but most of them you're stuck with.
Now, enter WebSocket. This basically gives you a bi-directional socket with the server after a small HTTP handshake. The advantages are that there's no HTTP headers from then on, and there shouldn't be any lag due to keep-alive issues.
For the initial test, I opened a Mibbit Widget pointed at a channel on said a couple of things, and did a whois lookup. A reasonably small scale test, but a useful one involving packets sent both ways, and some large packets (MOTD, topic).
First lets see the results for standard XHR:
data recvd: 1222
data sent: 7220
overhead In: 4456
overhead Out: 1229
Total data: 14127
ok, so we have 14k of data, and 5.6k of that is 'overhead' - HTTP headers/request/responses.
Lets see how WebSocket improves on that:
data recvd: 1350
data sent: 7307
overhead In: 118
overhead Out: 176
Total data: 8951
Wow. That's a big improvement. We've cut the overhead down to just 294 bytes (Basically the initial handshake).
Given the above data, it's clear that using WebSocket is a big win both in terms of bandwidth usage, and (although I haven't measured yet) lag. Anecdotally, the WebSocket version did seem a lot 'snappier', so I'd expect the lag to be reduced.
However, we haven't looked into one other area - compression. With HTTP, we can compress responses from the server, and the browser will decompress them fast, and pass them onto js. There is no mechanism for this with WebSockets (yet). If you want compression with WebSockets, you're likely going to have to do it yourself in javascript, which may burn precious browser cpu cycles.
So, finally, here's the numbers for XHR+deflate:
data recvd: 1222
data sent: 1868 (Compressed)
overhead In: 4456
overhead Out: 1229
Total data: 8775
So, this just beats WebSocket for bandwidth usage. It would depend heavily on the type of data you're sending as to how good your compression is, and how the numbers compare with WebSocket.
Just to recap,
XHR: 14,127 bytes
WebSocket: 8,951 bytes
XHR+deflate: 8,775 bytes
Note that this is a reasonably small scale test, but I do believe the numbers will scale pretty much like this. In general, for our type of traffic, the HTTP headers in XHR double the traffic. Again, for our type of traffic, the compression pretty much halves the traffic. So XHR+deflate vs WebSocket is pretty close.
We'll be rolling out WebSocket support in Mibbit in the next few days, and will be able to get some more definitive data on how the two compare. We have quite a large Chrome userbase, hopefully some of which are on the dev builds which support WebSocket.
It's certainly a great upgrade to the web, and hopefully compression support will come in due course.
Implementing WebSocket wasn't actually too bad at all, there were a couple of hoops to jump through, the protocol seems reasonably sane. Sadly the protocol doc is completely insane, and tries to describe what you should do using plain english instead of just giving you the data you need. eg "take the value \b\ and bitwise and it with 0x7f and put the result in a variable \b2\"
We have a very early alpha Mibbit Widget setup on with support for WebSocket if available, else XHR+deflate, or XHR worst case. To see if it's using WebSocket, click on the debug tab, and you should see a message saying WebSocket created. Alternatively if you use the developer timeline, you can see if there's any XHR going on or not.
Thanks for publishing this data! Very interesting stuff.
Sorry you think the spec is insane. :-) It's written that way to make sure that everyone implements the same thing -- what we've seen with (e.g.) HTTP or HTML4 is that when we just "give the data" and leave the interpretation up to the implementors, everyone does it slightly differently, and we end up with a lot of annoying bugs.
I expect we'll add compression in a future version, if it turns out people's packets are large. (There's not much point compressing if it each frame usually fits in one IP packet already.) We mostly left it out of the first version to make it easier for authors implementing their own server — if we add it it'll be optional, like the encryption.
@Hixie I don't think it'll have the desired effect. People tend to implement what they need/the least needed to get something to work.
It just took me quite a while to get to the 'meat' of the spec, which I thought could have been summarized in a few pages.
Very cool to see compression is on your mind, Could you not compress across packets for optimum performance?
That way, for example, if the same packet is sent twice, the second time it'll likely only be a few bytes if the compression is done of the whole stream rather than only per message.
@Hixie also I did mean 'insane' tongue in cheek :) I still think this is an awesome upgrade to the web and a very good thing in general.
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